уторак, 16. април 2013.

I wanna leave my footprints on the sands of time.

Sinoc sam bila na koncertu moje omiljene pevacice,mog idola i moram vam priznati da sam i dalje pod utiskom. Ocekivala sam previse,a bilo je jos bolje nego sto sam ocekivala! Naravno,svi znate ko je sinoc osvojio arenu. Zato moj danasnji post posvecujem Beyonce :)
Ovaj outfit sam nosila u subotu kada sam provela par divnih sati sa mojim muffinima i Visnjom :) 
Poljupci! J <3

Last night I was at concert of my favorite singer and I have to say,I am still under the impression. I expected top much,and it was better than I thought it would be. I'm sure that many of you know who I am talking about. So,I dedicate my today's post to Beyonce :)
I wore this outfit on Saturday when I spent amazing time with muffins and Visnja :) Kisses! J <3

                                                             shirt: NewLook

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