петак, 1. март 2013.

Smile will bring a sunshine day!

Posle duzeg vremena, konacno je prolece pocelo da se useljava i odise nasim gradom. Ne znam da li je zbog petka ili lepog vremena ali ljudi su nekako raspolozeniji, pozitivniji i nasmejani. Sunce je ogrejalo i potpuno probudilo ceo grad: ulice pune razdraganih prolaznika koji uzivaju u prelepom danu setajuci svog psa ili druzeci se sa svojim prijateljima,zatim guzva u saobracaju, kolone automobila i autobusa koji sviraju pokusavajuci da ubrzaju situaciju i stignu na svoju odredjenu destinaciju...Bila je milina prosetati se posle skole i provesti ovaj divan dan sa mojim mafinima. Sto se tice kombinacije, jedan primer mog opustenog, prepodnevnog stajlinga za skolu. Uzivajte do sledeceg posta :))

After a long time, spring has finally begun to move in our city. I don't know if it's because of the good weather or because it's Friday but somehow people are more positive,happy and in a good mood. Sun and a warm day have awakened the whole town: streets are full of people who are enjoying this beautiful day with a long walks with their dog or spending time with their friends, then the traffic jams, lines of cars and buses trying to speed up the situation and arrive on their destination. It was so wonderful to have a walk down town  after school and spend some time with my muffins. As for combination, one of my casual stylings for school. Enjoy until the next post :))

1.Leather jacket - H&M
2.Bag- David Jones

15 коментара:

  1. Predivna si <3

  2. you sunglasses are amazing. I want them!
    Check out my blog:

  3. ti zarolani rukavi su mi super! meni su jako zanimljive ove opuštene kombinacije...i tu se vidi naš ukus, zar ne?

  4. Great outfit!!!


  5. Great look! love your sunglasses!! :)



  6. Oh, seems you have really spring now and you´re able to wear such beautiful springlike outfits <3 I find it boring for myself, too, but here in Bavaria (Germany) we have still really deep winter with loads of snow ... Enjoy your weekend, hope spring goes on :) xxx Rena

  7. I ja jedva cekam suncane dane :)
    Mnogo mi se dopada kombinacija :)
    Fotke su super :) Koji aparat koristite?

  8. Super outfit!Moderno,a u skladu sa prilikom.I ja volim da nosim ovakve kombinacije.Sve pohvale;)xx



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