
четвртак, 20. фебруар 2014.

Sweet nothing

Prolece u februaru? Bring it on. Grad je pun, u bastama se jedva moze naci mesto, vazduh je svez i prolecni. Raspolozenje je u veeelikom plusu, jos kad je dan proveden sa najblizim osobama - pa gde ces lepse? Nezaobilazna teksas kosulja uparena sa zauvek omiljenom ogrlicom, bez pantalonice i naravno, naocare za sunce. 

Spring in february? Bring it on. City is full of people, outdoors of cafes are full as well, air is fresh and you can feel spring in the air. The mood is great, especially when the day is spent with your closest friends. Inevitable denim shirt paired with forever favourite necklace, beige pants and of course, sunglasses. 

уторак, 18. фебруар 2014.


Ćao društvo, kako je prošao ispitni rok, eto nas, punom parom nstavljamo tamo gde smo stale! Moram priznati da sam zaljubljena u novu Zarinu kolekciju, a jedan od mojih trenutno omiljenih komada jeste ovaj divan dzemperić, koji je idealan za ovo promenljivo vreme ! Da ne dužim mnogo, nadam se da vam se svidja, do idućeg posta!

Hi guys, it's been a while that we didn't post anything because of our school obligations, but here we are, with a new post. I must say that I am in love with new Zara collection, and one of my current favorite piece of clothing is this lovely orange sweater, wich is perfect for this changeable weather! Hope you like it!