
среда, 22. јануар 2014.

Feel the love

Ove slike su nastale još pre nedelju dana, al' kako sam bila zaokupljena matematikom, nikako nisam uspevala da nadjem vremena da napravim post. Sada, kad sam konacno zavrsila sa tim doslo je vreme da vam pokazem fotografije koje su delo fenomenalnog Petra. Iskombinovala sam svoju novu omiljenu suknju sa kosuljom i dzemperom, svidja li vam se? :)

These photos were made a week ago, but since I was so preoccupied with mathematics, I didn't manage to make this post. Now, when it is finally over, it is time to show you photos, that were made by fantastic Petar. I paired my new favourite skirt with shirt and jersey, do you like it? :)

субота, 18. јануар 2014.

One and only

Jos pre par meseci mi je stigao ovaj divan SheInside blejzer, koji sam zelela vec dugo, ali nisam imala prilike da ga slikam. Po kalendaru je zima, ali moj blejzer i ja se sasvim dobro uklapamo uz trenutno vreme i drago mi je zbog toga. Vec par dana imam neverovatnu nostalgiju za prolecem, letom i neprestano vrtim stare slike iz letnjih meseci. Zbog upecatljivog blejzera, odlucila sam da ostatak outfita bude opusten - prikladno za dan proveden sa drustvom.

Few months ago I got this lovely blazer from SheInside, that I have wanted for a while, but didn't manage to put it on blog. It is winter on calendar, but my blazer and I fit in with the weather around here and I am glad because of that. For a couple of days I am feeling nostalgic about spring and summer and I am rewatching old pictures from summer months. Because of the striking blazer, the rest of the outfit is casual - perfect for the day out with your friends.

четвртак, 16. јануар 2014.

A little party never killed nobody

Tajna lokacija. Bila je toliko tajna, da nas fotograf Petar nije hteo da oda gde idemo do trenutka fotografisanja. Imala sam srece da se ono sto sam isplanirala da obucem slozilo uz ambijent. Bio je to zaista jedan neobican dan. Uzivala sam, osecala sam se kao na dvorcu. Rezultat je tu i nadam se da ce vam se svideti.

Secret location. It was such a great secret, that our photographer Petar didn't reveal us where we were going until the day of our photoshoot. I was lucky to have my outfit matched with the place where we were photoshooted. Such an unusual day. I enjoyed and felt like I was at the castle. The result is here and I hope that you will love it.

уторак, 14. јануар 2014.

In a hurry

 U žurbi nabacujem stvari na sebe i izlazim iz kuće na vidjanje sa mafinima, u pauzama izmedju učenja i spremanja ispita, . Nadam se da vam se dopada, do idućeg posta! 

Between studying for my exams and all the outdoor activities i try to make time for my muffins and blog , so I just took the first piece of clothing that came to my hand and and got out of house! I hope you like it, until the next post!

петак, 10. јануар 2014.

All about loving you

Kombinacija sive i bez boje mi se do nedavno nije dopadala, ali kada sam novi omiljeni dzemper, koji sam dobila za rodjendan od najbolje drugarice probala uz ovaj kaput, svidelo mi se kako izgleda. Naravno, tu je i najlepsi rodjendanski poklon, torba koju sam dobila od mojih muffina.
Srecni praznici svima, uzivajte!

Until I paired my new favourite sweater, that my best friend bought me for my birthday with this coat, I wasn't really keen on combination of gray and beige color. In this post, there is also one more birthday present - new bag, that I got from my muffins.
Happy holidays, enjoy!

среда, 8. јануар 2014.

Casual day

Kao što je Jana već rekla, uživale smo,a za tako jedan opušten dan, jedna svakodnevna kombinacija! Nadam se da vam se dopada! 

Like Jana already said, we had a great relaxing day, that's way I was wearing an everyday combination! I hope you like it!

понедељак, 6. јануар 2014.

You are mine...

Bio je ovo još jedan divan dan sa mojim muffinima. Slikale smo se, popile kafu, a potom smo otišle u šoping. Mislim da nisam mogla bolje da iskoristim pauzu izmedju spremanja ispita.
 Inače ne volim mnogo da eksperimentisem sa bojama i nisam ljubitelj jarkih boja,ali ovaj sako me je potpuno očarao. Za promenu sam obukla i čizme na štiklu,čisto da dobijem koji centimetar.
Uzivajte :)

It was another beautiful day spent with my muffins. We took some photos, went for a coffee, and went shopping. There was no better way to spend my free time.
 I don't like to experiment with colors, and I'm not a big fan of bright colors, but I fell in love with this blazer. I wore boots with high heels for a change, just to be a little higher. 
Enjoy :)

субота, 4. јануар 2014.


Fenomenalni Petar , novi fotoaparat & nase malenkosti.
Dosta zabave, maste, ideja i dobrog raspolozenja.
Nadam se da vam se svidja rezultat.

Amazing Petar , new camera & ourselves.
Lots of fun, imagination, ideas and good mood.
I hope you like the result of our work.

среда, 1. јануар 2014.


Novi post u novoj godini sa novom kamerom. Imale smo priliku da se druzimo sa mladim i talentovanim fotografom Petrom Mitrovicem ciji rad mozete pogledati uskoro na njegovoj facebook stranici Petar Mitrovic Photography . Nadam se da vam se dopadaju fotke, do iduceg posta!
P.S. Zelim svima srecnu Novu godinu i praznike, puno zdravlja i uspeha i da uvek budete okruzeni ljudima koje volite!

New post in the new year with a new camera. We had the opportunity to work with young and talented photographer Petar Mitrovic. Soon you can see  his work on his facebook page Petar Mitrovic Photography. I hope you like the photos, until the next post!
P.S. I wish everyone a happy New Year and holidays, good health and success, and to always be surrounded by people you love!