
уторак, 31. децембар 2013.

I want you to know,you're special :)

Nismo pisale neko vreme,al nadam se da cete nam oprostiti sa obzirom da smo bile veoma zauzete. Jelena i ja smo spremale kolokvijume,Tijana je ucila za kontrolne, a vremena je tako malo... Sada konacno imamo malo vremena za sebe i nadam se da cemo biti redovnije.
Ovaj put nesto klasicno,u mom stilu,suknja i dzemper, i moja nova omiljena ogrlica,svidja li vam se? :)

P.s. Veliko hvala Petru na divnim slikama :*

We haven't been writing for a long time, but I hope you can forgive us, because we were so busy. Jelena and I had some obligations in university, Tijana had some tests, and we didn't have free time at all. Finally,we found time for ourselves, so I hope that we will post more often.
This time I wore sweater and skirt with my new favorite necklace,do you like it? :)

P.s. Thanks Petar  for this amazing photos :*

петак, 20. децембар 2013.

18. Birthday

U sredu je bio moj 18.rodjendan i proslavila sam ga sa najblizim prijateljima. Moram priznati da stvarno imam najbolje drugarice na celom svetu i da su mi priredile predivno iznenadjenje koje cu pamtiti celog zivota. Mafini su me obradovali sa torbom, koju sam mnogo zelela. Divno smo se provele a evo i par slicica!

On Wednsday was my 18.birthday and I celebrated with my closest friends. I have to admit that I have the best friends in the whole wide world and they made me an amazing suprise! Muffins bought me the most beautiful bag. We had a great time and here are some photos!

среда, 4. децембар 2013.


 Ćao društvo, juče je bio stvarno poseban dan za mene, bio je moj rodjendan i proslavila sam ga u krugu mojih najbližih. Mafini su me iznenadile sa divnim poklonom koji sam želela već duže vreme, a i naš prvi intervju je izašao na strani San Magazina koji mozete pogledati  OVDE. Ovako je to izgledalo juče:

Hi guys, yesterday was a really special day for me, it was my birthday and I celebrated it with my closest friends. Muffins surprised me with a beautiful gift I wanted for a long time, and our first interview came out on online magazine San that can be found HERE.  Here's what it looked like yesterday: