
петак, 29. новембар 2013.

Dress on

Pocelo je zimsko vreme, samim tim i sezona debelih dzempera, kapa, salova, jakni... Ugrabile smo poslednji trenutak iole lepog vremena da se slikamo. Moja odluka za taj dan pala je na malu, crnu haljinu, dzemper sa krznom i omiljenu kapicu sa animal printom.

Winter has begun, and also the season of comfy sweaters, beanies&hats, scarfes, winter jackets... We grabbed last moment of nice weather to take some photos. My choice for that day was little, black dress, sweater with fur and favourite beanie with animal print.

среда, 27. новембар 2013.

Give me love

 U poslednje vreme u vecini slucajeva moja odluka sta da obucem svodi se na bordo u kombinaciji sa kozom,ne znam zasto ali potpuno sam zaljubljena u tu boju,kao i u kozne helanke,pantalone,sunke,itd.
Ovaj put moja odluka se svela na bordo dzemper,koznu suknju i nove cizme,u koje sam zaljubljena! Sve sam upotpunila ''Preplet art'' ogrlicom. Svidja li vam se? :)

I am so in love with burgundy color and I often choose to wear it,just much as I  like to wear clothes made of leather- skirts, pants, tights ... This time I decided to pair leather skirt and burgundy sweater with my amazing new boots. To complete my outfit i have chosen one of my favorite necklaces from ''Preplet art''. Do you like it? :)

недеља, 24. новембар 2013.

Winter is coming!

I pored tmurnog i zahladnelog dana, bile smo odlucne da se slikamo taj dan kako bi redovno nastavile da postujemo. Nazalost, zbog loseg svetla slike i nisu bas najbolje. I pored toga ovaj post mi je jedan od drazih, zbog meni trenutno omiljenih odevnih komada: kaputic koji sam trazila duze vreme i na kraju sasvim slucajno naletim u Tally Weijl-iju, sesir koji je bio ljubav na prvi pogled i ova torbica koja je jos iz maminih devojackih dana i od koje se ne odvajam. 

Despite the bad and cold weather, we were determined to do the photoshoot that day, so we could continue to regularly update posts. Unfortunately, because of the bad light images aren't that good. Even though, this post is one of my favorite, because of my current favorite pieces of clothing that I'm wearing in it: coat I was looking for a long time and finally just accidentally bump into Tally Weijl, the hat that was love at first sight, and the purse that my mum had when she was young. Hope you like it!

среда, 20. новембар 2013.

I Will Love You Unconditionally...

Nije nas dugo bilo,ali nadam se da cete nam oprostiti, posto smo zaista imale mnogo obaveza. Ali sada se vracamo, i obecavam, bicemo vrednije.
Shvatila sam da se u poslednje vreme svaka moja kombinacija svodi na dzemper i kosulju, tako da je to na neki nacin postao moj zastitni znak. Ovoga puta odlucila sam se za kariranu kosulju i roze dzemper. Svidja li vam se? :)

We have not been writing posts for a while, but I hope that you will forgive us because we had so many obligations. Now we are back, and I promise we will work harder.
I realized that lately I often combine sweater with shirt, and in some way it became my trademark. This time I decided to pair pink sweater with plaid shirt. Do you like it? :)

понедељак, 18. новембар 2013.

After a while

Ćaos društvo, kako nas nije bilo mesec dana, evo da ne dužim mnogo, skroz opušten outfit inspirisan rečenicom: ''Less is more!''. Nadam se da vam se dopada, do iduceg posta! 

Hi guys, as we have not been here for a month, to cut a long story short, this is a totally casual outfit inspired by the sentence:'' Less is more!''. I hope you like it, until the next post!