
петак, 26. април 2013.

Strawberry Bubblegum

Cao drustvo, moram priznati da sam jako srecna zbog pravih letnjih temperatura i dana kada sam zimske cizmice,tople jakne kao i vec dosadne zimske boje zamenila u one u prolecnom duhu. Pre nego sto krenem u izlazak, evo jednog brzog outfit posta, sa trenutno meni omiljenim komadom, ovim divnim mokasinama koje sam pre neki dan uzela u Zari. Zelim vam lep vikend, uzivajte. Pozdrav :)

Hi guys, I have to admit that I'm very happy because of the real summer temperatures and the day I have replaced my winter boots, warm jackets and boring winter colours with ones in the spring spirit. Before I go out with my friends, here's a quick outfit post with my current favorite piece, these beautiful loafers that I took the other day in Zara. I hope you will have a great weekend. Kisses :)

среда, 24. април 2013.

I just wanna be happy <3

Pocelo je zaista ozbiljno spremanje za prijemni. Naravno i u skoli nas muce,tako da smo razvuceni na sto strana. Ali,nema veze,znam i sama da mi od ovoga zavisi zivot. Izdrzacu ovo,trudicu se,dacu sve od sebe,a onda-leto,sunce,more,plaza. Pravi i zasluzeni odmor. Jedva cekam! A vi? 
J <3

I started to work hard for the entrance exam. Professors are also torturing us at school. But, it doesn't matter,because we know that our life depends on it. I will try,I'll do anything,and than my summer will start. I know that sea, sun and beach are waiting for me. That will be perfect holiday! I can't wait,you? 

понедељак, 22. април 2013.

Pink it up

Pre neki dan sam obavljala prolecno raspremanje i pronasla ove neon pink starke, koje sam uzela pre par godina i skroz sam zaboravila da ih imam. Kako su neon boje hit ove sezone, a ujedno i moje omiljene boje, odlucila sam da pocnem cesce da ih nosim. Zelim vam lepu nedelju, uzivajte uz ovo divno vreme! :)

A few days ago, I cleaned out my closet and found this wonderful neon pink converse, that I had bought few years ago, and I forgot that I have them. As neon colors are totaly trendy this season, and also my favourite colors, I've decided to start wearing them more often. I wish you have a nice week and enjoy spring! :)

четвртак, 18. април 2013.

Carpe diem!

Prugaste pantalone, omiljena oversized kosulja, mamin sako i malo crvenog karmina kako bi ova kombinacija bila potpuna i spremna za subotnje pre podne sa mojim mafinima. 
Do sledeceg posta! :)

Striped pants, favorite oversized shirt, mom's blazer and some red on my lips to make this outfit ready for a Saturday morning with my muffins.
Until the next post! :)

уторак, 16. април 2013.

I wanna leave my footprints on the sands of time.

Sinoc sam bila na koncertu moje omiljene pevacice,mog idola i moram vam priznati da sam i dalje pod utiskom. Ocekivala sam previse,a bilo je jos bolje nego sto sam ocekivala! Naravno,svi znate ko je sinoc osvojio arenu. Zato moj danasnji post posvecujem Beyonce :)
Ovaj outfit sam nosila u subotu kada sam provela par divnih sati sa mojim muffinima i Visnjom :) 
Poljupci! J <3

Last night I was at concert of my favorite singer and I have to say,I am still under the impression. I expected top much,and it was better than I thought it would be. I'm sure that many of you know who I am talking about. So,I dedicate my today's post to Beyonce :)
I wore this outfit on Saturday when I spent amazing time with muffins and Visnja :) Kisses! J <3

субота, 13. април 2013.

One day baby

Za neke zelje potrebno je vreme da bi se ostvarile. Ne desava se sve kad mi to zelimo. Nekad, koliko cekamo govori o tome koliko zapravo to zelimo. Postoji jedna vazna stvar potrebna za ostvarenje zelja : Odredi koje su. Zivot se ne zaustavlja ni zbog koga, zato ga treba iskoristiti maksimalno. Svesna sam da sa svojih nepunih 18 godina jos uvek nisam sposobna da govorim o smislu zivota, ali ono sto znam je da svaki trenutak treba maksimalno iskoristiti. Male zivotne radosti, kao sto su topla solja caja, omiljeni slatkis, nova torba ili iskren zagrljaj prijatelja nista ne moze zameniti. Moj recept za srecu je : Ceni ono sto imas i ne obracaj paznju na ono sto jos uvek nemas, jer ako ga istinski zelis, jednog dana ce se ta zelja ostvariti. :)

Some wishes take time. They do not come true in the moment we want. Sometimes, how long we wait shows how much we really want it. There is one important thing about getting what you want : Decide what you exactly want. Life doesn't stop for anybody, and that's why you should carpe diem it. I am aware that with my 18 years I am not able to talk about meaning of life, but what I am sure of is that every moment should be used. Life's little joys, such as warm cup of tea, favourite ice cream, new bag, or hug of a true friend can't be replaced. My recipe for happiness is : Value what you have, and don't count what you haven't had yet, because if you truly want something, that wish will come true. :)

среда, 10. април 2013.

Cause it's like you're my mirror...

"Previše često potcenjujemo moć dodira, osmeha, lepe reči, iskren kompliment ili najmanji akt brige, a sve to ima potencijal da preokrene život!"

"We too often underestimate the power of touch, smile, kind words, honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, but all that have the potential to change someone's life''


понедељак, 8. април 2013.

There can be miracle, when you believe

Verujem da nista nije nemoguce,da je vera preduslov za sve. Unesite optimizam u svoj zivot i bas takav ce i postati. Meni ni ovo odvratno sivilo koje boji nase ulice ne moze da mi unisti dobro raspolozenje. Izacicu da se vidim sa najdrazim ljudima iako je kisovito,oticicu da trcim iako je pljuskovito,ma nista ne moze da me spreci u mojim namerama. Bas nista. Nista mi nece pokvariti rapolozenje ako sam bas resila da budem sa osmehom na licu!
Verujem da ste primetili da se moji outfiti cesto poistovete sa vremenom,tako da ni ovaj put ne idem dalje od bordo,crne i bele. Naravno,strafte u koje sam bezuslovno zaljubljena i najudobnije patike na svetu. Uzivajte do sledeceg posta! :)

I think that everything is possible,when you believe. Make your life more optimistic,and it will be better place for you, I am sure. Happines depends on your view of a life. If you ask me, I would go out with my closest even if the biggest storme is outdoors, and I would go jogging even if it's rainy! Nothing is going to spoil my mood if I have decided to go out with smile on my face. Just nothing!
I believe you've noticed that I often identifiy my outfits with weather, so in this post my colors are black,white and burgundy, stripes that I am in love with and the most comfortable sneakers in the world. Enjoy your time till the next post! :)

субота, 6. април 2013.

Keep it classy, keep it simple.

Posle manje pauze, sva tri mafina su se konacno ponovo nasla da obave jedan fotosesn i da se ispricaju. Obozavam nase zajednicke trenutke, sve je ispunjeno smehom, pozitivnom energijom i tisini i dosadi jednostavno nije mesto u nasem drustvu. S obzirom da je vreme promenljivo, covek prosto ne zna sta da obuce, jer se nikad ne zna kad se pasti kisa, a kad ce zasijati sunce. Ove sezone sam zaljubljena u pruge i u neon boje, tako da sam danas odlucila da obucem prugastu kosulju i da nosim ovu jednostavnu kombinaciju u dnevnom izlasku sa mojim drugaricama. :)

After a short break, muffins have finally met together to make some great photos and to chat. I adore the time we spend together. Everything is filled with laughter, positive energy and silence and boredom are not welcome in our company. Because the weather is changing all the time, nowadays, you just don't know what you should wear. This season I am in love with stripes and neon colors, and that's why I decided to wear this simple combination with this lovely stripy shirt. :)