
четвртак, 28. март 2013.

Fashion Muffins on Instagram II

Nakon mesec dana od postavljanja prvog, evo i novog instagram posta. Mozete nas zapratiti na sledeca tri username-a:

Month after posting our first instagram post, here is the new one. If you want to follow us you can do that on our three usernames:

Tijana: tijana_36

Jana: lilyjanci

Jelena: jelenastevanovic94


понедељак, 25. март 2013.

Who's that chic?

      Umotana u svoje omiljeno cebence na fotelji, uz solju caja razmisljam o ovom divnom danu koji je obelezio pocetak proleca u kom su svi uzivlali puni dobrog raspolozenja i sirokih osmeha na licu. 
Detalj koji je skroz dao drugu notu ovom outfitu jeste ova predivna ogrlica u mint boji sa nitnama ( koja nazalost nije moja :( , vec sam je na nekoliko dana pozajmila od Jane).
 Puno poljubaca, do sledeceg posta!

      Wrapped in my favorite blanket ,sitting on the couch with a cup of tea, I'm thinking about this wonderful day that marked the beginning of spring. Everyone was enyojing that sunny day with big smile on their faces.
Detail that totally made ​​another note to this outfit is this beautiful necklace in mint color with studs (which unfortunately is not mine :( , I  borrowed it from Jana for a couple of days).
Lots of kisses, until the next post!

субота, 23. март 2013.

There is a great woman behind every idiot

Mrzim sneg. Mrzim kisu. Po ovom vremenu najradije bih se ususkala pod pokrivac i gledala filmove ili citala knjigu. Ali kada pisem post imam mogucnost da ozivim toplo vreme,da se prisetim lepog dana sa mojim najboljim drugaricama i sve to prikazem vama.
Ovu majicu sa videla na nekoj ''modi za poneti'' i odmah mi je zapala za oko zbog teksta,tako da sam morala da je narucim,a suknja je delo moje  snajderke Milene,koja moze svaku moju zelju da ostvari.
Uzivajte u danasnjem danu(iako je hladan),uzivajte u mom outfitu i pozdrav do sledeceg posta! :)
Jana <3

I don't like snow. I hate rain.When the weather is like this I would probably just lie in the bad,and watch films or read books. But,when I am writing post,I have possibility to revive the warm weather,to remember beautiful day that I spent with my best friends,and to show all of that to you.
I saw this t-shirt when I was at some event,and I felt in love with it,so I have to order it. There's also a skirt that my tailor made me,she is amazing,she can make me everything I imagine.
Enjoy this day (even if it's cold),enjoy my outfit, kisses till next post! :)
Jana <3

среда, 20. март 2013.

Ready for spring! :)

Pocetak proleca, svi su nasmejani. Lepo je setati ulicama Beograda, retko se moze naici na tuznu osobu. Sunce kao da mami osmeh svima nama. U ime proleca sam odlucila da obucem svoje omiljene neon zelene pantalone. :)

It's the beginning of spring, and everyone is in the good mood. I love walking through streets of Belgrade, sad person is rare to find. It's like sun makes all of us smiling. I decided to wear my favourite neon green pants. :)

уторак, 12. март 2013.

Black and yellow

Cao drustvo, s obzirom da sam duze vreme bila bolesna i da nisam mogla da se slikam sa Janom i Tijanom, kvalitet slika je ovaj put nesto losiji, jer sam slikanje obavila svojim fotoaparatom. Inace, zute starke sam  trazila godinu dana i kad sam videla da su ih ponovo dobili morala sam odmah da ih uzmem. Ne mogu vam opisati koliko sam moje najblize dosadjivala o tome koliko ih zelim i kako sam se zaljubila u njih na prvi pogled!  Puno pozdrava do sledeceg posta!! :)

Hey guys, since I've been ill for a long time and I couldn't take pictures with Jana and Tijana, the quality of images is a bit bad this time, because I've done the photoshoot with my camera. I've been looking for the yellow all stars for a year,and when I saw that they are selling them again, I bought them immediately. I can't tell you how much I bothered my closest about how I fell in love with them at first sight and how much I wanted them. Lots of kisses, till the next post! :)

недеља, 10. март 2013.

I can make it through the rain

Verujem da nista nije ne moguce. Verujem da nase najvece snove mozemo pretvoriti u stvarnost,ako se trudimo,ako damo sve od sebe. Verujem,jer znam da mogu. Ostajem pri tome i time cu se voditi. Jednoga dana i moj najveci san postace stvarnost,zato sto cu se boriti za to. Ovo moje misljenje cesto ne bude prihvaceno kod nekih meni bliskih ljudi,pa udjemo u raspravu,al ljudi smo,ne mozemo uvek da se slozimo.
Danas cu vam predstaviti jedan brzinski outfit, smisljen u trenutku, u zamenu za jedan drugi koji zbog kise nisam bila u mogucnosti da iznesem. Uzivajte :)

I believe that everything is possible. I believe that our dreams will come true if we are keep trying and if we give all of us. I believe,because I know I can. One day,my biggest dream will come true,because I fight for it. Some of my friends don't believe my opinion is true,but that is alright, because we can't always agree.
Today,I will show you one quick outfit,that I figured because I couldn't wear one that I wanted because of the rain. Enjoy :)

петак, 8. март 2013.

Walking on sunshine

Divno proveden dan sa mojim najboljim drugaricama na keju. Uzivale smo, jele, caskale, slikale se. Ugrabila sam rani pocetak proleca da obucem svoju omiljenu jesenju haljinicu. :)

Wonderful day spent with my best friends. We enjoyed, ate, chatted, took some photos. I used beggining of spring to wear my favourite autumn dress. :)

уторак, 5. март 2013.

Little things

 Verujem da su sitnice ono sto cini svaki nas dan posebnim. Suncan dan,prepodne provedeno sa najdrazim osobama,neciji osmeh,zagrljaj, jedno iskreno ''volim te'',komad nakita na koji sasvim slucajno naletite u nekoj radnji koju inace ne biste ni pogledali-to je ono sto mene cini srecnom.  A kako drugacije da docaram savrsen dan nego outfit postom. Sako je tu da probudi zenstvenost,naravno u beloj boji da bih pogleda od zimsog sivila, tu su strafte kojima sam potpuno opsednuta ove sezone,i naravno neizostavne bele starke. Ovo je definitivno jedan od onih stajlinga u kojima me cesto mozete videti,svidja li vam se? :)

  I believe that little things are something that makes our life special. If you ask me there's so many things that can make me happy-sunny day,day spent with my best friends,someone's beautiful smile, hug, when people that I adore say that they love me,beautiful jewelry that I found in some shop that I never look at. I think that showing my outfit is the only way for you to see the beauty of my day. Blazer is white because I want to go out of dark and gray colors. There are also stripes,because I'm absolutely in love with them,and of course  my favorite all star's. This is one of those combination that I wear very often,do you like it? :)

недеља, 3. март 2013.

Give me a reason

Jos jedan lep i suncan dan sa mojim mafinima. :)

Another nice and sunny day spent with my muffins. :)

петак, 1. март 2013.

Smile will bring a sunshine day!

Posle duzeg vremena, konacno je prolece pocelo da se useljava i odise nasim gradom. Ne znam da li je zbog petka ili lepog vremena ali ljudi su nekako raspolozeniji, pozitivniji i nasmejani. Sunce je ogrejalo i potpuno probudilo ceo grad: ulice pune razdraganih prolaznika koji uzivaju u prelepom danu setajuci svog psa ili druzeci se sa svojim prijateljima,zatim guzva u saobracaju, kolone automobila i autobusa koji sviraju pokusavajuci da ubrzaju situaciju i stignu na svoju odredjenu destinaciju...Bila je milina prosetati se posle skole i provesti ovaj divan dan sa mojim mafinima. Sto se tice kombinacije, jedan primer mog opustenog, prepodnevnog stajlinga za skolu. Uzivajte do sledeceg posta :))

After a long time, spring has finally begun to move in our city. I don't know if it's because of the good weather or because it's Friday but somehow people are more positive,happy and in a good mood. Sun and a warm day have awakened the whole town: streets are full of people who are enjoying this beautiful day with a long walks with their dog or spending time with their friends, then the traffic jams, lines of cars and buses trying to speed up the situation and arrive on their destination. It was so wonderful to have a walk down town  after school and spend some time with my muffins. As for combination, one of my casual stylings for school. Enjoy until the next post :))