
среда, 27. фебруар 2013.

Fashion Muffins on Instagram

Htele smo sa vama da podelimo par slika sa nasih Instagram profila :)

We wanted to share a few photos from our Instagram accounts :)
Feel free to follow us :

Jelena - jelenastevanovic94
Jana - lilyjanci
Tijana - tijana_36

недеља, 24. фебруар 2013.

If you ever feel like you're nothing,you're perfect to me :)

Kada pricam sa drugaricama o ovoj temi,temi promena,cesto udjemo u raspravu,jer one osporavaju moje misljenje.  Ne mogu da kazem da ne verujem u urodjene osobine,ali po mom misljenju mnoge stvari mogu da se promene,tacnije previse stvari. Ako gledate crno na svet oko sebe,promenite to. Posvetite se vise sebi, ne trosite uzalud vase zivce, trudite se vise,ucite vise, trudite se vise na poslu, promenite nesto na sebi,ne tracite vreme da patite zbog ljubavi. Da,verujem da mi drzimo sve konce u nasim zivotima. Da mozemo da uradimo mnoge stvari,previse stvari!  Verujem,zato sto sam nekada mislila suprotno,ali promenila sam se. Zato ne tracite vreme,nego ulepsajte sebi zivot.
Danasnji outfit post je posvecen ovim vojnicki pantalonama,u koje sam zaljubljena od prvog dana kad sam ih ugledala,iako ih na trenutno nosi pola grada,meni su one ostale omiljene. Posto nisam znala koji dzemper da obucem,zavirila sam u mamin orman i pronasla ovu rolku. Sve to sam uparila sa patikama sa skrivenom petom,koje su preudobne. Uzivajte! :)

When I speak with my friends about this theme,about changes, we often discuss,because they don't believe that my opinion is true. I can't say that I don't believe in inborn qualities, but I also believe that many things are able to change. If you think that world around you is dark, change that. Take more care of yourself, don’t waste your time in vain, don’t be mad, try, try more, study more, be better at work, change something about your look, don’t be sad because you’re not happy in love. Yes, I believe that we are masters of our lives. We can do some things, too many things. I believe in it, because  I thought different before, but I’m changed. So don’t waste your time, make the world a better place for you.
In today’s post I will show you my army pants,that was love at first sight, even now when half of city wears it, they are still my favorite. I didn’t know what sweater to wear, so I looked at my mums closet, and I found this  turtleneck sweater. I pair all of that with my shoes with hidden heel which are so comfortable. Enjoy :)

субота, 23. фебруар 2013.

Back to black

Promene predstavljaju interesantniji deo zivota, jer me spasavaju od rutine i monotonije. Napomenula sam vec u jednom od prethodnih postova, da obozavam da menjam boju kose, pa sam se vratila u svoju najdrazu crnu boju. Jednostavno obozavam da isprobavam. Da stalno posecujem nova mesta, isprobavam nove specijalitete, kupujem stvari, koje mi se mozda pre nekog vremena ne bi svidele. Jedino sto nikad ne bih menjala jesu moji prijatelji, jer smatram da je prijateljstvo mnogo vazan aspekat zivota, i da ga treba cuvati od svega. Zbog crne kose, imala sam potrebu da moj outfit bude malo rokerski, iako me ne mozete cesto videti u tom izdanju. :)

Changes are one of the most interesting parts of life, because they save me from routine and monotony. I said in some of my earlier posts that I love to change the color of my hair, so I got back in my favourite color, black. I just love trying different things. Always visiting some new places, trying different kinds of food, buying things that I probably wouldn't like earlier. The only thing that I would never change are my friends, because I think that friendship is one of the most important aspects of life, and that it should be saved from anything. Because of my black-colored hair, I wanted to have a rock outfit, even though I can't be seen in that kind of style often. :)

четвртак, 21. фебруар 2013.

Make that change

Ovonedeljni postovi su na temu promene, a evo i mog. Mislim da reci ove pesme govore sve, i dok slusate evo i slika sa jucerasnjeg slikanja! Pozdrav :))

This week's topics include change, and here's my post on the subject. I think that the words of this song say it all, and while you are listening here are some photos from yesterday's photoshooting. Kisses! :))

уторак, 19. фебруар 2013.

Lucky I am in love with my best friend

Ako pricamo o hrani,to je jedna od onih tema o kojima stvarno imam svašta da napisem. Ljudi koji me poznaju,znaju koliko volim da jedem i da sam zaista pravi gurman. Istina,uvek se trudim da budem umerena,da se hranim zdravo,da ne jedem puno slatkiša,ali nekada mi to ne polazi za rukom. Obozavam Italijansku kuhilju-pastu,lazanje,picu, takodje u poslednje vreme sam zaljubljena u meksicku kuhinju i ''Zapatu''. Slatkiši su takodje moja velika ljubav,a s obzirom da moja mama drzi poslastičarnicu,koja je najbolja u gradu(nije sto je moja), moje omiljene slatkiše mozete probati bas tamo-čokoladni mus,sve čokoladne torte,čiz kejk, voćne korpice,itd. Istina je da ne volim fast food,niti hranu na ulici,ali šišu na Novom beogradu i pljeskavici u ''Mari'' nekada stvarno ne mogu da odolim.
U subotu nisam bila u prilici da se slikam sa Jelenom i Tijanom,jer me je visoka temperatura prikovala za krevet,tako da sam morala naknadno da zamolim moju ljubav,moju podrsku u svemu da me slika(iako verujem da mu je to bio izrazito dosadan posao),tako da su ove slike njegovih ruku delo. Uzivajte, poljupci do sledeceg posta :)

If we talk about food,that is one of those themes that I have a lot to talk about. People who knows me well are familiar with how much I like to eat,and that I always like to try new things. Truth is that I am always moderate,and I'm trying to eat healty food,and not to eat lots of sweets,but sometimes I can't help it. I adore Italian food, especially pasta, squid, pizza, I’m also in love with Mexican food and ‘’Zapata’’. Sweets are also my love, and considering fact that my mum has her own cake shop, that is the best in city, you can try my favorite sweets there-chocolate mousse, cheese cake, all of chocolate cakes, fruit baskets… Truth is that I don’t like fast food, but there’s some burger shops where I like to go sometimes.
I had high fever on Sunday so Jelena  and Tijana had photo shooting without me, so I asked my love,my support in everything to take pictures of me.
Enjoy, kisses till the next post :)

понедељак, 18. фебруар 2013.

This girl is on fire

Kao sto je Jelena vec rekla, subota popodne je rezervisana za Majdan, i uvek volimo da probamo nesto novo. Kako sam, mogu slobodno reci, najveci ljubitelj slatkisa koji postoji, ovaj put sam uzela kolac Raspberry biscuit, i odusevila sam se. Sto se tice slatkisa volim sve, nebitno je da li je cokoladno ili vocno, a za ostalo sam veoma izbirljiva osoba. Veoma je dugacak spisak stvari koje ne volim, ali zato ono sto volim mogu da jedem u neogranicenim kolicinama (sto se da primetiti po meni, haha). Sladoled ne odbijam ni po najvecoj zimi, a testenine mogu takodje da jedem kad god. Zanimljivo je to sto Jana, Jelena i ja imamo drugaciji ukus, i volimo razlicite stvari, tako da svaka od nas uvek naruci nesto drugo, sto nam ostavlja mogucnost da isprobavamo vise jela. Uvek je sladje kad sa nekim delis, zar ne? :)

As Jelena said in her post, saturday afternoon is always reserved for Mydan, and we love trying new things. I can say that I am the biggest fan of sweets and candy, so this time I ordered cake named Raspberry biscuit, and I was amazed. When we talk about sweets, I love everything, wheter it's chocolate or fruity, and for the rest type of foods, I find myself a very picky person. List of things that I dislike is very long, but when I find something that I like, I can eat it in unlimited quantities (and you can notice that, haha). I don't refuse ice cream never, even on the coldest days, and I can eat pasta whenever, too. It is interesting that Jana, Jelena and I have different taste, and we like different things, so we always end up ordering something that is not the same, which leaves us possibility to try more dishes. It is always sweeter when you share with someone, isn't it? :)

недеља, 17. фебруар 2013.

Smooth Operator

Cini mi se da je nama mafinima, subota dosla kao dan isprobavanja! Uvek odemo u taj divan restoran "Majdan" na Senjaku, gde ja hrana fenomenalna, a cene su definitivno i vise nego pristojne, gde ne znamo sta pre da narucimo koliko sve to izgleda bogato, a i da mislite da vam se nece svideti u stvari se desi potpuni obrt. Volim dobro spremljenu hranu i veliki sam gurman. Nisam izbirljive prirode, jednostavno sve volim da jedem. Iako nije zdravo i trudim se da sto manje jedem tamo, najvise od svega volim dupli ciz u Meku. Potpuno je normalno postalo da mi prijatelji pored poklona za rodjendan donesu dupli ciz obrok. Bez obzira koliko volim da jedem, nisam zaludjena slatkisima. Volim mafine, sladoled i bilo sta sto ima voce u sebi, ali komotno bih mogla da zivim bez toga.
 I ove subote smo isle u "Majdan" ali pre toga obavile slikanje za blog i stvarno smo se divno provele! Ljubim vas :))

It seems like Saturday is always of trying something new, to us muffins. We always go to that amazing restaurant "Mydan", where prices are more than affording, where we are not able to decide what to order first, and when you think that you won't like it, it is so opposite. I like well prepared food and I am definitely a food lover. I am not picky and I love to eat almost everything. Even though it's not healthy, and I try to eat it as least as possible, I just adore duble cheeseburger in McDonalds. It became normal that my friends buy me a duble cheeseburger meal with my birthday present. No matter how much I love to eat, I don't like sweets very much. I love muffins, ice- cream, and anything that has fruit in it, but I could comfortably live without it.
This Saturday, we have also been in "Maydan", but before that we have done a little photoshoot for blog and we really had a wonderful time. Kisses :))

среда, 13. фебруар 2013.

I'm your girl,you're my girl,we are our girls...:)

Ne znam kako da pocnem,jer ne znam gde da pronadjem toliko lepe reci da ih opisem. S obzirom koliko volim muziku i knjizevnost pokusala sam da nadjem neki stih ili citat,al bezuspesno. One su sestre koje je Bog zaboravio da mi podari,zaista. One su tu uvek,trpe me i kad sam dosadna i teska,i kad se prepirem sa njima jer nisu (ili ja nisam) u pravu. One su uvek tu da mi lece ljubavne rane,da me smire kad poludim,da mi daju nadu kad sam tuzna,da budu uz mene kad sam sama. Da,to su moje najbolje drugarice-Jelena,Tijana i Nadja. Uz takvo bogatstvo nema mesta za tugu,zato ako imate takve prijatelje stavite odmeh na lice i na sve probleme gledajte pozitivno-proci ce. Zabelezila sam jos jedan divan dan sa ovim devojkama,uzivajte :)

I don't know how to start, because I can't find the right words to describe them. Because I adore music and poems, I've tried to find some verse or a quote, but I couldn't. They are like my sisters, that God forgot to give me. They are always there, even when I am boring and hard to handle, and when I fight with them when they aren't (or I am not) right. They are always there for me, to help me with my love problems, to calm me down when I am nervous, to give me hope when I am sad, to be there for me when I am alone. Yes, those are my best friends - Jelena, Tijana and Nadja. With that kind of fortune, there is no place for sadness, and if you find that kind of friends, put a smile on your face and look on all of your problems positively- they will pass.I made some photos during beautiful day with my girls,enjoy:)

Heaven is a place on earth with you

Ne postoji odgovarajuca definicija mog stila. Volim da eksperimentisem sa razlicitim stilovima,bojama,volim neobicne i drugacije stvari,volim da svemu  dodam neku svoju notu,ali uvek ostajem umerena i nikad ne preterujem. Dobro obucenom osobom cu smatrati onu koja ume efektno da se obuce u primerenom budzetu. U skoro svakoj prodavnici mogu da pronadjem nesto za sebe, prodavnice ne delim na dobre i lose jednostavno neke mi se vise svidjaju,a neke manje. Ne bih mogla da zivim bez dobre torbe i zanimljivih ogrlica. Obozavam crvenu, ljubicastu, tirkiznu i zutu. Iskoristila sam topao i suncan dan u Beogradu da obucem suknju,jer ih jednostavno obozavam. Tu je i moj novi dzemper koji sam ulovila na rasprodaji. Uzivajte! :)

I can't find the exact definition to describe my style. I love to experiment with different styles, colors, I like unusual things and to fill my outfits with some special and unique tone, but to stay moderate and not to exaggerate.Every person that can dress him or herself well and effectivaly with not so high budget I find well-dressed. In almost every store I can find something for myself. I don't separate stores on good or bad, I just like some better and some not so much. I couldn't live without a good bag and interesting necklaces. I love red, purple, blue and yellow. I used this warm and sunny day here in Belgrade to wear a skirt, because I just love them. There is also my new sweater, that I bought on a sale. Enjoy :)

Dreaming is believing

Ideja ovog bloga je priblizavanje naseg stila vama. Ali kao sto znate "odelo ne cini coveka",zato cemo se osvrnuti i na druge aspekte nasih zivota. Moj zivot je brz,pun obaveza,ispunjen ljubavlju. Ljubavju prema najdrazim osobama,umetnosti,modi,muzici,a pre svega pevanju. Divno je kada mozete vase emocije,bile one srecne ili tuzne da prenesete publici. Ali najlepse je kada u njihovim ocima vidite da uzivaju,da ih vas rad ispunjava,inspirise.
Danasnji stajling je zamena za jedan koji cete videti u nekom narednom postu. Vi razumete kako je to kada vas vremenske prilike primoravaju da izmenite ono sto ste osmislili. Nista spektakularno,kombinacija za svaki dan,svedena i umerena. Uzivajte!

The idea of this blog is an introduction to our styles. But as you know,''you can't tell a book by its cover'' so we will also focus on the other aspects of our lives. My life is flowing fast,it's busy,and filled with love. I have love for my dearest people, art, fashion, music, but primarily for singing. It's wonderful when you can transfer your emotions, even if they are happy or sad, to audience. But the most beautiful thing is when you see that they like and respect what you do, that your work inspires them.
Today's outfit is replacement for one witch you will see in one of the next posts. You understand what it's like when weather force you to think of something else to wear. Nothing special, combination for every day. Enjoy!

уторак, 12. фебруар 2013.

There comes a point in your life when you realize who really matters, who never did, and who always will

Tuzna, srecna , uzbudjena, ljuta, umorna, nebitno jer ono sto me uvek oraspolozi jesu moji prijatelji. Kad god imam neki problem, nedoumicu, volim sto imam koga da pozovem i  osobu na koju mogu da se oslonim. Ja znam da nisam rekla nesto sto pola ljudi vec ne zna, jer skoro svako ima barem jednog pravog prijatelja. Drugarstva iz tinejdzerskog doba predstavljaju, po mom misljenju, prijateljstva za ceo zivot i iskreno se nadam da je tako. Imam dosta prijatelja, ali samo 2 osobe smatram za najbolje, a to su Jana i Ana. Mada, njih ni ne gledam kao drugarice vec kao deo porodice, kao sestre. Imamo toliko uspomena, dozivljaja,tuge, radosti..zajedno smo sve prosle. Recept za dobro prijateljstvo - najbitnije iskrenost, a u slucaju da se posvadjate ne dozvolite da zbog ponosa i inata izgubite ono sto volite, i ne dozvolite nebitnim ljudima da vas rastave jer budite svesni da je prijateljstvo jedno od najvrednijih stvari u vasem zivotu.
Kao i uvek, moji mafini i ja smo i danas otisle na kafu posle slikanja, i s obzirom da sve jedva cekamo prolece i leto obukla sam svoj omiljeni vintage sorc u zimskoj varijanti.. :)

It doesn't matter if I am happy, sad, excited, angry, tired because the thing that always cheers me up are definitely my friends. Whenever I have some problems, doubt I love that I have someone to call and rely on. I am aware that I haven't said anything that many people don't know, because almost each of us has at least one true friend. I think that friendshipes made in teenage years are friendshipes  for a lifetime, and I honestly hope that it's like that. I have many friends, but my besties are Jana and Ana. I look at them more like part of my family,like they are sisters to me. Recipe for good friendship- most important honesty, and in case you have an argue , don't let your pride and ego ruin what you love, and also don't let unimportant people in your life break you apart because be aware that friendship one of the most valuable thing in your life.
As always , my muffins and I went for a coffee after our photoshoot,and because we all can't wait spring and summer to come, I have chosen one of my favourite vintge shorts in a winter combination.

понедељак, 11. фебруар 2013.

Honey honey

Danas, devojke i momci sve ranije krecu da izlaze, pokusavaju da izbegnu detinjstvo, cari koje ono nosi, i samo zele da odrastu. Smatram da se previse pomerila ta granica godina, i da ipak treba da uzivamo u tome sto svaka nasa godina nosi. Licno, najvise volim da izadjem sa svojim najboljim drugaricama, da sednemo u kafic ili restoran i da jednostavno caskamo satima. Naravno, nista ne moze da zameni dobar provod na zurci, ali verujem da mene tek cekaju izlasci tog tipa. Posle naseg fotosesna, Jana, Jelena i ja smo sele u kafic i uzivale, dok smo diskutovale o modi i ostalim desavanjima. Iako je vec uveliko zima, ja sam se odlucila za jednu jesenju kombinaciju, i crveni dzemper, da naglasi dobro raspolozenje. :)

Nowadays, young people start going out as soon as they can, and they try to avoid their childhood, magic that it brings, and they just want to grow up. I think that the border line of ages has moved, and that we should enjoy in everything that each of our ages bring. Personally, I enjoy going out with my best friends. We usually sit in some caffe or a restaurant, and we just chat for hours. I admit that nothing can replace some good party, but I believe that even greater parties are ahead. After our photosession, Jana, Jelena and I, sat in a caffe and we just enjoyed, while we were talking about fashion and other events. Even though it's winter already, I picked this autumn combination and a red sweater, to enhance good vibes. :)

недеља, 10. фебруар 2013.

I believe I can fly

Po mom misljenju postoji samo jedan recept za savrseni izlazak-dobro drustvo. Sa mojim najboljim drugaricama mogu da idem bilo gde i da budem sigurna da cu se odlicno provesti. Nije bitno da li je u pitanju nas omiljeni kafic,neki klub,svirka,jutarnja kafa,vreme provedeno s njima ulepsa mi dan. Naravno tako je proslo i ovo slikanje za blog. Ako mene pitate ne postoji bolja i univerzalnija kombinacija od kosulje i dzempera. Danas sam ukombinovala kraljevsko plavi dzemper i kariranu kosulju. Nadam se da ce vam se svideti :)

In my opinion there is only one way to have a good time,and that is having a good company. I can go anywhere with my best friends and I am always sure that they will make my day. It doesn't matter where we are going, sometimes it's our favorite caffe,club, or some live performance. Yesterday,when we were having a photoshoot for our blog,we also had a great time. If you ask me sweater with shirt is aways right combination and always looks good. Today I chose royal blue sweater with shirt. I hope you'll like it :)

четвртак, 7. фебруар 2013.

Love at first sight

Iako mnoge manjak novca sprecava da se lepo oblace,ja i dalje smatram da je definicija stila pravljenje dobrog outfita od malo novca. Kao sto je moja drugarica Jana rekla u prethodonom postu,ne postoje dobre i lose radnje. Stojim iza toga da se i u najlosijoj prodavnici moze naci nesto sto se moze iskoristiti u svrhu dobrog outfita. Priznajem da sam spremna da dam dosta novca na torbe i haljine,i ujedno torbi i haljina nikad dosta! Svoj stil bih opisala pretezno kao zenstven i elegantan ,mada volim i da eksperimentism. Zbog mog tamnog tena, boje koje mi najbolje stoje su svakako pastelne,neonske i kraljevsko plava. Stajling u ovom postu je zimski, udoban, zenstven i odlican za svaki dan. Za naporan dan u skoli smatram ga savrseno prikladnim. Pozdrav :)

Even though many people don't have a chance to keep up with fashion trends, I still think that definition of having a style is making a great outfit with low budget. As my friend Jana said in her post, there is no such thing as good or bad stores. I still think that you can find something that you can use in the cause of a good outfit even in the worst store. I admit that  I am capable of giving a great amount of money for bags and dresses and still, I never have enough of them. I would describe my style as girly and elegant, even though I love to experiment. Because I have a dark tan, colors that fit me the best are pastel, neon colors and blue. Styling in the post is comfy, girly and great for every day. For a hard day at school I find it perfectly appropriate. Greetings :)

уторак, 5. фебруар 2013.

Sun in the sky you know how I feel...And I'm feeling good!

Danas je bilo divno prepodne u Beogradu i prosto smo uzivale kod hrama Svetog Save.
Razmisljala sam kako bih opisala svoj stil, ali to je skroz nedoredjeno. U kom pravcu ce se kretati moj stil zavisi od inspiracije i mog trenutnog raspolozenja. Nekad se bolje osecam u elegantnom fazonu, nekad sportskom, nekad rok.. sve zavisi od trenutka. Obozavam nakit, a efektne ogrlice uvek primame moju paznju. Nisam rob marki jer bitno je samo da mi se to nesto svidi. Redovno mi zapadnu za oko stvari koje su bordo, tirkizne i neon narandzaste boje. Moja inspiracija tj. ikona stila jeste Olivia Palermo. Jednostavno sve sto ona iznese jeste zenstveno, svedeno i po mom misljenju savrseno.
Nadam se da ce vam se svideti moj danasnji outfit. Puno poljubaca do sledeceg posta! :)

Today we spent a really amazing morning in Belgrade in front of temple Saint Sava. I was thinking about how I could describe my style, but I really can't give an exact definition. In which way it will go, depends on how 's my day going and on my inspiration. Some days I feel like elegant girl, some I just wanna be sportish and casual and some days rock style is my choice. I adore jewerly, and original necklaces always have my attention. I don't chase the brand all that is important about the clothes is that i like them. Things colored with burgundy,tirquoise and neon orange always catch my eye. My inspiration and my style icon is Olivia Palermo. It's just everything she wears looks so feminine, classy and in my opinion, just perfect.I hope that you'll like my today's outfit. Lots of kisses till our next post.

недеља, 3. фебруар 2013.

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Promene, nove kombinacije, isprobavanje neuobičajenog. S obzirom da mrzim rutinu, to je nešto što me u svim aspektima života spašava od monotonije, pa tako i u modi. Raspoloženja, boje kose i sviđanja menjam neverovatnom brzinom, ali možda je baš to nešto što me čini unikatnom. Iako svoj današnji outfit ne bih opisala kao predstavu mog stila, odlučila sam da isprobam mešavinu swag i girly stila. Pored mode, opsednuta sam horoskopima. Jednom rečju, pravi sam strelac. Avanturista, slobodnog duha, spontana, brzopleta, veeeoma pričljiva. Upoznaćemo se još u narednim postovima, veliki pozdrav do tad. :)

Changes, new combinations, tasting unusual. Because I hate routine, that is something that saves me from monotony in all aspects of life, and in fashion too, of course. I change moods, hair colors and likes and dislikes incredibly fast, but maybe that is something that makes me unique. Although my today's outfit is not the exact definition of my style, I've decided to try the mixture of swag and girly style. Beside fashion, I am obsessed with horoscopes. Shortly, I am a real sagittarius. Adventurer, free-spirited, spontaneous, rash, veeery talkative. We will meet each other in the next posts, too, enjoy. :)

петак, 1. фебруар 2013.

I can do it like a brother,do it like a dude

Sinoc,vracajuci se kasno sa treninga odlucila sam da moj outfit bude posvecen mojoj prvoj ljubavi,hobijem kojim se bavim od svoje pete godine: hip-hop ples. Ne mogu vam opisati kakav je taj osecaj kad vas muzika ponese, a vi pokretima prikazujete odraz svoje licnosti,svojih osecanja i svoje mastovitosti...jednostavno neopisivo. Mozete zamisliti kakva magija se desava kada se na jednom mestu okupi sva ta mastovitost razlicitih ljudi. Smatram da je jako vazno imati neku dobru aktivnost u svom zivotu,nesto sto vas ispunjava i cini srecnim bas kao sto je pored plesa meni i uredjivanje ovog bloga koji budi kreativnost. Sta je ono sto vas ispunjava?
Puno pozdrava do sledeceg posta,hvala vam jos jednom na savetima koje nam ostavljate! Swag!

Last night,returning late from training, I decided that I should dedicate my post to my first love,a hobby that I do from the age of five: hip-hop dance. I just can't describe that feeling when music takes you and the movements you show are a view of your own personality,your feelings and creativity.. indescriabable. Can you imagine what kind of magic happens when you bring together in one place all the creativity of different hip-hop dancers? I think it is very important to have a good activity in your life, something that fills you up and makes you happy and for me that's dancing and fashion blogging!
What hobby makes you happy?
Greetings till the next post,thanks for all your advices! Swag!